• Victoria Fatmata Kanu

Victoria has an outgoing personality and has a gift for making peace between people. She is very inquisitive and will ask many questions to satisfy her love of learning. She is a phenomenal athlete. She enjoys smiling, dancing, telling stories, and preaching the Word of God. She also enjoys soccer and math. She would like to be an accountant so she can make money to help build churches, orphanages, and schools. As someone who has endured suffering, she desires to use the money she makes to help the people who are still suffering. She says, “I have a big plan for my country. I want to change my country.” Her favorite verse is 1 John 2:15' “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”

Birthday 6/15/92

Victoria Fatmata Kanu

  • $30.00

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Tags: Wellington Orphanage